Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Don't let your past dictate your future

So many of us fight the demons of our past everyday and it is hard.  I know that for me I have to constantly remind myself that it could have been me.  It could have been so much worse.  I thank God everyday for a new beginning.  Coming from a home where drugs and alcohol dictated what type of day we would have.  Having things stolen from me from my own family.  Being put into situations where I could have been molested or worse.  I look back on those things and all I can say is "but God."  My faith stems from going through and coming out of what could have been some tragic situations.  I have come a long way from the little girl looking out the window wondering if things would get better.  Now that I am older with a family of my own I strive to be what I wanted as a little girl, a good mother.  Not to say that my mother was a bad person but she had her battles and sometimes they got the best of her.  I used to wish that she was stronger than her addiction.  I used to hate waking up not knowing where she was or when she would return.  I had to grow up and be the big sister/mother to my siblings by making sure that they ate and got to school.  She would always return but each time she would return there would be a new emotional scar to deal with.  It was not like she abandoned us right?  She would just leave for days at a time not caring how we ate or if we were taken care of overtaken by her addiction.  She knew that we would be okay I guess.  But I have come a long way and so have my siblings.  Instead of falling victim to our circumstances we strive to be responsible adults and parents.  We work hard to break the cycle and the curse over our family.  My brother is an awesome father/husband.  My sister is working on be a great single mother and me, I am working on being the best woman I can be.  I want to inspire and encourage others to know that no matter what you're going through or have been through, you can always make your situation better.  Too many people hold on to the things they experienced in their childhood or the mistakes that they have made in the past and they let that dictate who they are today. 

Your past helps shape and mold you but it does not define who you are or who you can become.  Just because you fail or make mistakes does not change the fact that you can get up, dust yourself off and try again.  The difference is in how you get up.  Get up with fight and faith.  Know that you are not your past mistakes but a image of what overcoming and striving to be better looks like.  You can inspire others with your story.  Your story would not be what it is today with your history.  One of my favorite quotes is by Gandhi, "Be the change you want to see in the world." If you see it you can achieve it.  Hard work, dedication and learning to forgive is what it takes to get to the next level.  Forgive yourself, those who hurt you in the past or your parents.  Everybody goes through storms but it is how you weather that determines your strength.  Know that with God you can and will be GREAT. 

If you are reading this and you are struggling with accepting your past or forgiving those who hurt you, let it go.  Let go and let God.  You will never be who you are destined to be holding on to past grudges.  God forgives us even when we don't forgive ourselves.  Let go of the past and work on making your future your success story!

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