Friday, September 7, 2012

The journey of life

Today myself and my family celebrated my Grandmama's 85th birthday.  It was so bittersweet.  I say that because to be able to live and see 85 years without suffering any cancers or serious illness is a blessing but it also holds so many memories of yesteryear and yesterday.  My Grandmother had seven kids, I say that because one of my aunties had gone home to glory as the old folks say.  She has 12 grandkids and too many great-grandkids and great-great-grandkids to mention.  She has watched and played a huge part in every single one of our growth and upbringing.  Throughout my 31 years on this earth she has fed me, clothe me, protected and provided for me and my sibling and cousins.  She has been the one constant thing in my life providing stability that I would not have known had it not been for her.  She has lived in the same house all of my life and has had the same home phone number.  Those are things that we don't get to see often today, nothing is constant anymore. I love my grandmother with every beat of my heart and I thank her for giving me the tools to be the woman that I am today.  She is the true epitome of what a grandmother/mother/matriarch should be.  She has never partied with us, we know she means business and we know without a shadow of doubt that she loves us.  She set the standard on how to be a woman.  She raised all 7 of her children on her own, helped them raise their children and continues to do for each and everyone of us, even our spouses.  Hold your love one near because tomorrow is a fantasy today and yesterday a memory.  You never know where you will end up or who you will have to depend on so treat everyone as you would like to be treated.

Be blessed and enlightened, learn something new each day and give someone hope each day.


  1. This sounds like something I would have wrote! My grandmother means the same to me. She has always been there for us, fed us, clothed us and been a rock for our whole family. I am 43 and she has always lived in the same house (that my grandpa built), had the same telephone number. She was always the one constant thing in my life. Grand mothers are a grand treasure! Love this post!

  2. Thanks Angela, I am happy to see that there are some really great grandmothers out there. I pray that I live to see my grandchildren and that I have just as much of an impact on them as my grandmother had on mine.

    Thanks for reading!
